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Improve your child's working memory skills if you want them to do better in Science. Tracy Hartshorn

Science Direct share this study to support the fact that a good working memory will help academic performance in science subjects.


So how can parents help children to improve their working memory?

1. Teach them ways to visualise thoughts using statements such as 'imagine this' or 'create a picture, or story, in your head of this happening' . Ask them to describe to you the images that they have visualised.

2. We know that card games and other fun activities can help build working memory. Quizlet is an excellent free resource available to all.

3. Find ways to connect information to help your child's long-term memory and working memory, for example ask 'how is chemistry similar to baking a cake?', and don't be afraid to be bizarre, for example, " why is a dog similar to an ice cube?".

When we compare and link knowledge we are thinking at the highest level, so encourage this in children and develop their ability to think for themselves.

4. Invest your time and tickle those brain cells. If children look confused, then celebrate, because this indicates that they are thinking. If children are asking silly questions, be proud; this is telling you that they are thinking and linking. They are taking information that is stored and associating it with the newly presented.

It is a valuable skill if you can stimulate the mind of another, and this skill requires work. It will zap your energy, but it is the best way to take your child's learning to the greatest of heights.



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